RSVPPlease RSVP using the form below. As a reminder, young children are welcome at the reception however will require babysitting during the ceremony. If you would like to bring a +1, please get in touch with us first.We hope to see you there! Family name * Will you be attending? * Yes: ceremony and reception Yes: ceremony only Yes: reception only No: with regret, I/we cannot make it Primary contact Phone (###) ### #### Email Attendee details Who is attending? Please provide the first and last names of those who can attend. If you would like to bring a +1 please reach out to us before submitting this form. Adult dietary requirements Let us know if any adults in your party have dietary requirements. Please let us know which guests have which dietary requirement. Children dietary requirements Let us know if anyone in your party requires children meals, and if they have any dietary requirements. Lastly... What song is guaranteed to get you out of your seat and onto the dance floor? (You will be held to this.) 💃🏻🕺🏼 Thank you!